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tv   Open Phones - Your Priorities for 116th Congress  CSPAN  January 3, 2019 3:00pm-3:14pm EST

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kiko, father conroy. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic, that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that you take this obligation freely and without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office you are about to ensheer, so help you god? >> i do. he speaker: congratulations. for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition? mr. mcgovern: madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house stand in recess subject to the call of the chair. the speaker: without objection, the house will stand in recess subject to the call of the chair.
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caller: and main thing i could see is legalization of marijuana and let's make that a real thing in 2019. host: what we expect will be coming up shortly. they will take up a package of rules that not only governance individual items what the house will take up dealing with the budget and other activities of the u.s. house and covers things like naming of new committees and renaming of committees and accomplishing of new select committees, one on climate change, for example. that will consume an hour or so of debate and still to come are
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the two measures that democrats aim to reopen the federal government with. one would fund five agencies through the end of the fiscal year, the other homeland security until february 8. mitch mcconnell has already said that the senate would take up any measure that the president won't sign. but democrats are moving ahead with their debate. we expect votes to go into the evening. we continue to take your calls until the house comes back. and moorsville, indiana. elizabeth on our democrats' line. caller: nice to see some work going on in the house of .epresentatives hopefully the senate will pick up on that as well and get our borders taken care of, get our government opened up again, because that's a concern to me what's going on and stop playing games and hopefully the
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honorable pelosi will once again get things done for the american thele because democrats are party of the people. host: just down the hall from the house chamber, the new ffices, a tweet from sotomayor and video of speaker pelosi plaque is back. both g.o.p. leader mccarthy and speaker pelosi mentioned ronald reagan, a californian during their remarks this afternoon and maybe the first time in quite some time that both the leaders zsh the major leaders of the house are from the same state. kevin mccarthy and nancy pelosi, california. we go to groton, connecticut,
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independents line. caller: i wanted to congratulate that everyone got voted in. you are welcome and you look beautiful on tv. gun control is a hoax, climate control or what they want to say all this stuff about the pollutants, it's a hoax. and i want to say the best of luck to everyone. don't get involved in any of these investigations that are unnecessary, spending fax pairs' money. and watch the little guy. he has feelings, too. i wanted to say i worked with a lot of people in the past. i have a military background. i worked with thousands of other people and i wanted to say that everyone is an individual.
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and if should be heard someone has a differing opinion, just listen, take a breath and if you don't agree, you don't have to say you don't agree. just say ok of the thank you very much and walk away. if they are saying something you don't like, you don't have to respond. host: we appreciate that. sandy, utah, republican line waiting for the house to come back in and begin their legislative work. what are your priorities, john? caller: well, the first thing that i was so impressed is that we have 100 women in congress. i mean that is a landmark and even though i'm republican, i respect having the women involved and on a positive note, i mean the fact that women
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couldn't vote 100 years ago is remarkable. on the negative side, i have no hope. this congress is going to be massively ineffective because you have a republican president, you have a republican senate majority and nothing is of any material nature is going to get done at least the next several years and it's discouraging. i love our system, but right now it is gridlock. and i see no hope in the near future. and that's the frustrating part. but i congratulate nancy pelosi. that's a great accomplishment for her, but she's not going to find much luck in pushing things through all the way to flewishon. host: john pointed out the number of women elected to the s. house, in particular, 102
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women, 89 are democrats and 13 republicans. one of the new ones is katie hill. i was proud to cast my vote for speaker pelosi. congratulations and shelley moore capito. great to have another west virginia woman here. i'm glad her family and friends were able to be here for this special day. getting your thoughts on the 116th. e take your phone calls. jason is in brooklyn, new york, on our democrats' line. to congratulate to nancy pelosi making history
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again. second of all, we want congress to do something regarding infrastructure. we have the tunnel falling to pieces. we need congress to do something about it and something about puerto rico that is still , covering from hurricanes because nothing has been done. unless something is done under nancy pelosi leadership. st: independent line, camp verde, arizona. caller: i would like this 116th congress to look into installations in the military. i'm a veteran of the u.s. army and i would like them to look them into the installations
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where the defense and environmental restoration program has been a failure and there has been contributing health problems for veterans and their families, for their long-term health. i call on those sides of the isle to look into this and by looking into that, your establishing a committee and holding investigative hearings on this matter. ut the 1986 amendment to the c.o.r. gave department of defense too much of an opportunity to push this matter under the rug. and we have chronic health conditions that are not being looked at. host: why do you think it hasn't been addressed. the president focused on
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veterans' issues, why do you think it has been overlooked these years? caller: well, i have been researching this for five years nd the problem is pretty large-scale and has to do with t looking into other than -- host: the house is gaveling back in in the chair.


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